Heavy Oil Software Development
CHORUS feels that there needs to be some new reservoir characterization software to deal with the many challenges involved in the heavy oil global market. Our team has seen this first hand in our field research projects and we are addressing the need for new software and new reservoir modules designed specifically for heavy oil applications.
A new technology feature in which CHORUS is doing a lot of leading edge research is in the area of providing follow-through to make these theories functional. Applying new technology code development is always a challenging task, but it is also very appealing since it produces solutions for the real world heavy oil field problems.
CHORUS is now utilizing the software developers kit called Ocean. This is an API developer kit that allows us to build our own modules and then plug these modules into the Schlumberger Petrel software package. The great advantage of this is that the complicated reservoir models that have a wide variety of corresponding properties is at our fingertips and there is no need to go through the tedious programming exercise of managing all that data. In turn, by skipping the data management step, the only issue is how to access this different data and how to blend them with these new outputs. This function then gives us the access to all sorts of data and gives us a great power of new technology in the heavy oil production processes.